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ASME B16.5 Flange Manufacturers in India

ANSI B16.5 Class 150 Forged Flanges, ASME B16.5 Flange Dimensions ASME B16.5 Class 300 Flange, ANSI B16.5 Flange Weight, ASME B16.5 Flange Material ASME B16.5 Class 150 Flange Dimensions in mm, ANSI B16.5 Class 125 Flange Dimenisons, ASME B16.5 Flange Tolerances

ASME B16.5 Flange

ANSI B16.5 Flange

Arcellor Controls is well known ASME B16.5 Flange Manufacturers in India, ANSI B16.5 standard covers Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings for size NPS ½” to 24” for above NPS 26” to 60” it should be as per ASME B16.47.Each specification further delineates flanges into pressure classes: 150, 300, 400, 600, 900, 1500 and 2500 for B16.5

ASME B16.5 Flange Manufacturers in India
ASME B16.5 Class 400 Flange Dimensions , ANSI B16.5 Flange Dimensions, Flange ASME ANSI B16.5, ASME B16.5 Flange chart, ASME B16.5 Flange Bolting Chart
ANSI B16.5 Flange Face Finish, ASME B16.5 Flange Sizes, ANSI B16.5 Flange Material, ASME B16.5 Flange Dimensions in mm, ASME B16.5 Flange Bolt torque, ASME B16.5 Flange Rating Calculator
ASME / ANSI B16.5 Flange Specification
Standard ANSI B16.5, ANSI B16.47 Series A & B, MSS SP44, ASA, API-605, AWWA, Custom Drawings
Dimensions 1/2″ (15 NB) to 48″ (1200NB)
Size 150 LBS, 300 LBS, 600 LBS, 900 LBS, 1500 LBS, 2500 LBS, DIN Standard ND-6,10, 16, 25, 40 Etc.
Type DIN2527, DIN2566, DIN2573, DIN2576, DIN2641, DIN2642, DIN2655, DIN2656, DIN2627, DIN2628, DIN2629, DIN 2631, DIN2632, DIN2633, DIN2634, DIN2635, DIN2636,DIN2637, DIN2638, DIN2673
Flange Face Type Flate Face (FF), Raised Face (RF), Ring Type Joint (RTJ)
ANSI B16.5 Flange Material Specification
Stainless Steel ASME B16.5 Flange:  ASTM A 182, A 240 F 304, 304L, 304H, 316, 316L, 316Ti, 310, 310S, 321, 321H, 317, 347, 347H, 904L Duplex & Super Duplex Steel ASME B16.5 Flange:  ASTM / ASME A/SA 182 F 44, F 45, F51, F 53, F 55, F 60, F 61 Carbon Steel ASME B16.5 Flange:  ASTM / ASME A/SA 105 ASTM / ASME A 350 , ASTM A 181 LF 2 / A516 Gr.70 A36, A694 F42, F46, F52, F60, F65, F706 Low Temperature Carbon Steel ASME B16.5 Flange: ASTM A350, LF2, LF3 Alloy Steel ASME B16.5Flange:  ASTM / ASME A/SA 182 & A 387 F1, F5, F9, F11, F12, F22, F91 Copper Alloy Steel Flange ASME B16.5: ASTM SB 61 , SB62 , SB151 , SB152 UNS No. C 70600 (Cu-Ni 90/10), C 71500 (Cu-Ni 70/30), UNS No. C 10100, 10200, 10300, 10800, 12000, 12200 Nickel Alloy ASME B16.5 Flange:  ASTM SB564, SB160, SB472, SB162 Nickel 200 (UNS No. N02200), Nickel 201 (UNS No. N02201), Monel 400 (UNS No. N04400), Monel 500 (UNS No. N05500), Inconel 800 (UNS No. N08800), Inconel 825 (UNS No. N08825), Inconel 600 (UNS No. N06600), Inconel 625 (UNS No. N06625), Inconel 601 (UNS No. N06601), Hastelloy C 276 (UNS No. N10276), Alloy 20 (UNS No. N08020)
ASME B16.5 Class 150 Flange Dimensions
ASME B16.5 Class 150 Flange Dimensions
Nominal Size Outside Diameter (OD) Min. Thickness (T) RF Dia. (R) No. of Bolt Holes Diameter of Holes Bolt Circle (BC) SO Bore ID (SB) WN Bore ID (WB) Dia. Hub Base (HB) Dia. of Hub Top (HT) SO LTH (SL) WN LTH (WL)
12 3.50 0.38 1.38 4 0.62 2.38 0.88 0.62 1.19 0.84 0.56 1.81
34 3.88 0.44 1.69 4 0.62 2.75 1.09 0.82 1.50 1.05 0.56 2.00
1 4.25 0.50 2.00 4 0.62 3.12 1.36 1.05 1.94 1.32 0.62 2.12
114 4.62 0.56 2.50 4 0.62 3.50 1.70 1.38 2.31 1.66 0.75 2.19
112 5.00 0.62 2.88 4 0.62 3.88 1.95 1.61 2.56 1.90 0.81 2.38
2 6.00 0.69 3.62 4 0.75 4.75 2.44 2.07 3.06 2.38 0.94 2.44
212 7.00 0.81 4.12 4 0.75 5.50 2.94 2.47 3.56 2.88 1.06 2.69
3 7.50 0.88 5.00 4 0.75 6.00 3.57 3.07 4.25 3.50 1.12 2.69
312 8.50 0.88 5.50 8 0.75 7.00 4.07 3.55 4.81 4.00 1.19 2.75
4 9.00 0.88 6.19 8 0.75 7.50 4.57 4.03 5.31 4.50 1.25 2.94
5 10.00 0.88 7.31 8 0.88 8.50 5.66 5.05 6.44 5.56 1.38 3.44
6 11.00 0.94 8.50 8 0.88 9.50 6.72 6.07 7.56 6.63 1.50 3.44
8 13.50 1.06 10.62 8 0.88 11.75 8.72 7.98 9.69 8.63 1.69 3.94
10 16.00 1.12 12.75 12 1.00 14.25 10.88 10.02 12.00 10.75 1.88 3.94
12 19.00 1.19 15.00 12 1.00 17.00 12.88 12.00 14.38 12.75 2.12 4.44
14 21.00 1.31 16.25 12 1.12 18.75 14.14 13.25 15.75 14.00 2.19 4.94
16 23.50 1.38 18.50 16 1.12 21.25 16.16 15.25 18.00 16.00 2.44 4.94
18 25.00 1.50 21.00 16 1.25 22.75 18.18 17.25 19.88 18.00 2.62 5.44
20 27.50 1.62 23.00 20 1.25 25.00 20.20 19.25 22.00 20.00 2.81 5.62
22 29.50 1.75 25.25 20 1.38 27.25 22.22 21.25 24.25 22.00 3.07 5.82
24 32.00 1.81 27.25 20 1.38 29.50 24.25 23.25 26.12 24.00 3.19 5.94
DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES Bolt hole diameter 1/8″ larger than bolt diameter
ANSI/ASME B16.5 Class 300 Flange Dimensions, ANSI B16.5 Class 300 Flange Dimensions in mm
ASME B16.5 Class 300 Flange Dimensions
Nominal Size Outside Diameter (OD) Min. Thickness (T) RF Dia. (R) No. of Bolt Holes Diameter of Holes Bolt Circle (BC) SO Bore ID (SB) WN Bore ID (WB) Dia. Hub Base (HB) Dia. Hub Top (HT) SO LTH (SL) WN LTH (WL)
12 3.75 0.50 1.38 4 0.63 2.62 0.88 0.62 1.50 0.84 0.81 2.00
34 4.62 0.56 1.69 4 0.75 3.25 1.09 0.82 1.88 1.05 0.94 2.19
1 4.88 0.62 2.00 4 0.75 3.50 1.36 1.05 2.12 1.32 1.00 2.38
114 5.25 0.69 2.50 4 0.75 3.88 1.70 1.38 2.50 1.66 1.00 2.50
112 6.12 0.75 2.88 4 0.88 4.50 1.95 1.61 2.75 1.90 1.13 2.63
2 6.50 0.81 3.62 8 0.75 5.00 2.44 2.07 3.31 2.38 1.25 2.69
212 7.50 0.94 4.12 8 0.88 5.88 2.94 2.47 3.94 2.88 1.44 2.94
3 8.25 1.06 5.00 8 0.88 6.62 3.57 3.07 4.62 3.50 1.63 3.06
312 9.00 1.12 5.50 8 0.88 7.25 4.07 3.55 5.25 4.00 1.69 3.13
4 10.00 1.19 6.19 8 0.88 7.88 4.57 4.03 5.75 4.50 1.82 3.32
5 11.00 1.31 7.31 8 0.88 9.25 5.66 5.05 7.00 5.56 1.94 3.82
6 12.50 1.38 8.50 12 0.88 10.62 6.72 6.07 8.12 6.63 2.00 3.82
8 15.00 1.56 10.62 12 1.00 13.00 8.72 7.98 10.25 8.63 2.38 4.32
10 17.50 1.81 12.75 16 1.12 15.25 10.88 10.02 12.62 10.75 2.56 4.56
12 20.50 1.94 15.00 16 1.25 17.75 12.88 12.00 14.75 12.75 2.82 5.06
14 23.00 2.06 16.25 20 1.25 20.25 14.14 13.25 16.75 14.00 2.94 5.56
16 25.50 2.19 18.50 20 1.38 22.50 16.16 15.25 19.00 16.00 3.19 5.69
18 28.00 2.31 21.00 24 1.38 24.75 18.18 17.25 21.00 18.00 3.44 6.19
20 30.50 2.44 23.12 24 1.38 27.00 20.20 19.25 23.12 20.00 3.69 6.32
22 33.00 2.57 25.25 24 1.63 29.25 22.22 21.25 25.25 22.00 3.93 6.43
24 36.00 2.69 27.62 24 1.63 32.00 24.25 23.25 27.62 24.00 4.13 6.56
* For flanges type 21 the outside hub diameter approximately corresponds to the outside pipe diameter. Note : The p/t rating from ASME B16.5 apply only for flange type 05, 11, 12, 13 and 21 having nominal sizes up to and including DN 600. The p/t rating of all other flanges shall be agreed between the manufacturer and the purchaser.
ANSI B16.5 Class 400 Flange Dimensions
ANSI B16.5 Class 400 Flange Dimensions
Nominal Size Outside Diameter (OD) Min. Thickness (T) RF Dia. (R) No. of Bolt Holes Diameter of Holes Bolt Circle (BC) SO Bore ID (SB) Dia. Hub Base (HB) Dia. Hub Top (HT) SO LTH (SL) WN LTH (WL) * WN Bore ID (WB)
12 3.75 0.56 1.38 4 0.63 2.62 0.88 1.5 0.84 0.88 2.06 *
34 4.62 0.62 1.69 4 0.75 3.25 1.09 1.88 1.05 1.00 2.25 *
1 4.88 0.69 2.00 4 0.75 3.50 1.36 2.12 1.32 1.06 2.44 *
114 5.25 0.81 2.50 4 0.75 3.88 1.70 2.50 1.66 1.12 2.62 *
112 6.12 0.88 2.88 4 0.88 4.50 1.95 2.75 1.90 1.25 2.75 *
2 6.50 1.00 3.62 8 0.75 5.00 2.44 3.31 2.38 1.44 2.88 *
212 7.50 1.12 4.12 8 0.88 5.88 2.94 3.94 2.88 1.62 3.12 *
3 8.25 1.25 5.00 8 0.88 6.62 3.57 4.62 3.50 1.81 3.25 *
312 9.00 1.38 5.50 8 1.00 7.25 4.07 5.25 4.00 1.94 3.38 *
4 10.00 1.38 6.19 8 1.00 7.88 4.57 5.75 4.50 2.00 3.50 *
5 11.00 1.50 7.31 8 1.00 9.25 5.66 7.00 5.56 2.12 4.00 *
6 12.50 1.62 8.50 12 1.00 10.62 6.72 8.12 6.63 2.25 4.06 *
8 15.00 1.88 10.62 12 1.12 13.00 8.72 10.25 8.63 2.69 4.62 *
10 17.50 2.12 12.75 16 1.25 15.25 10.88 12.62 10.75 2.88 4.88 *
12 20.50 2.25 15.00 16 1.38 17.75 12.88 14.75 12.75 3.12 5.38 *
14 23.00 2.38 16.25 20 1.38 20.25 14.14 16.75 14.00 3.31 5.88 *
16 25.50 2.50 18.50 20 1.50 22.50 16.16 19.00 16.00 3.69 6.00 *
18 28.00 2.62 21.00 24 1.50 24.75 18.18 21.00 18.00 3.88 6.50 *
20 30.50 2.75 23.12 24 1.62 27.00 20.20 23.12 20.00 4.00 6.62 *
22 33.00 2.88 25.25 24 1.75 29.25 22.22 25.25 22.00 4.25 6.75 *
24 36.00 3.00 27.25 24 1.88 32.00 24.25 27.62 24.00 4.50 6.88 *
Bolt hole diameter 1/8″ larger than bolt diameter
ANSI B16.5 Class 600 Flange Dimensions, ASME B16.5 Class 600 Blind Flange Dimensions
ANSI B16.5 Class 600 Flange Dimensions
Nominal Size Outside Diameter (OD) Min. Thickness (T) RF Dia. (R) No. of Bolt Holes Diameter of Holes Bolt Circle (BC) SO Bore ID (SB) Dia. Hub Base (HB) Dia. Hub Top (HT) SO LTH (SL) WN LTH (WL) * WN Bore ID (WB)
12 3.75 0.56 1.38 4 0.63 2.62 0.88 1.50 0.84 0.88 2.06 *
34 4.62 0.62 1.69 4 0.75 3.25 1.09 1.88 1.05 1.00 2.25 *
1 4.88 0.69 2.00 4 0.75 3.50 1.36 2.12 1.32 1.06 2.44 *
114 5.25 0.81 2.50 4 0.75 3.88 1.70 2.50 1.66 1.12 2.62 *
112 6.12 0.88 2.88 4 0.88 4.50 1.95 2.75 1.90 1.25 2.75 *
2 6.50 1.00 3.62 8 0.75 5.00 2.44 3.31 2.38 1.44 2.88 *
212 7.50 1.12 4.12 8 0.88 5.88 2.94 3.94 2.88 1.62 3.12 *
3 8.25 1.25 5.00 8 0.88 6.62 3.57 4.62 3.50 1.81 3.25 *
312 9.00 1.38 5.50 8 1.00 7.25 4.07 5.25 4.00 1.94 3.38 *
4 10.75 1.50 6.19 8 1.00 8.50 4.57 6.00 4.50 2.12 4.00 *
5 13.00 1.75 7.31 8 1.12 10.50 5.66 7.44 5.56 2.38 4.50 *
6 14.00 1.88 8.50 12 1.12 11.50 6.72 8.75 6.63 2.62 4.62 *
8 16.50 2.19 10.62 12 1.25 13.75 8.72 10.75 8.63 3.00 5.25 *
10 20.00 2.50 12.75 16 1.38 17.00 10.88 13.50 10.75 3.38 6.00 *
12 22.00 2.62 15.00 20 1.38 19.25 12.88 15.75 12.75 3.62 6.12 *
14 23.75 2.75 16.25 20 1.50 20.75 14.14 17.00 14.00 3.69 6.50 *
16 27.00 3.00 18.50 20 1.63 23.75 16.16 19.50 16.00 4.19 7.00 *
18 29.25 3.25 21.00 20 1.75 25.75 18.18 21.50 18.00 4.62 7.25 *
20 32.00 3.50 23.00 24 1.75 28.50 20.20 24.00 20.00 5.00 7.50 *
22 34.25 3.75 25.25 24 1.88 30.63 22.22 26.25 22.00 5.25 7.75 *
24 37.00 4.00 27.25 24 2.00 33.00 24.25 28.25 24.00 5.50 8.00 *
ANSI B16.5 Class 900 Flange Dimenisons
ANSI B16.5 Class 900 Flange Dimensions
Nominal Size Outside Diameter (OD) Min. Thickness (T) RF Dia. (R) No. of Bolt Holes Diameter of Holes Bolt Circle (BC) SO Bore ID (SB) * WN Bore ID (WB) Dia. Hub Base (HB) Dia. Hub Top (HT) SO LTH (SL) WN LTH (WL)
3 9.50 1.50 5.00 8 1.00 7.50 3.57 * 5.00 3.50 2.12 4.00
4 11.50 1.75 6.19 8 1.25 9.25 4.57 * 6.25 4.50 2.75 4.50
5 13.75 2.00 7.31 8 1.38 11.00 5.66 * 7.50 5.56 3.12 5.00
6 15.00 2.19 8.50 12 1.25 12.50 6.72 * 9.25 6.63 3.38 5.50
8 18.50 2.50 10.63 12 1.50 15.50 8.72 * 11.75 8.63 4.00 6.38
10 21.50 2.75 12.75 16 1.50 18.50 10.88 * 14.50 10.75 4.25 7.25
12 24.00 3.12 15.00 20 1.50 21.00 12.88 * 16.50 12.75 4.63 7.88
14 25.25 3.38 16.25 20 1.63 22.00 14.14 * 17.75 14.00 5.12 8.38
16 27.75 3.50 18.50 20 1.75 24.25 16.16 * 20.00 16.00 5.25 8.50
18 31.00 4.00 21.00 20 2.00 27.00 18.18 * 22.25 18.00 6.00 9.00
20 33.75 4.25 23.00 20 2.13 29.50 20.20 * 24.50 20.00 6.25 9.75
24 41.00 5.50 27.25 20 2.63 35.50 24.25 * 29.50 24.00 8.00 11.50
ANSI B16.5 Class 1500 Flange Dimenisons
ANSI B16.5 Class 1500 Flange Dimensions
Nominal Size Outside Diameter (OD) Min. Thickness (T) RF Dia. (R) No. of Bolt Holes Diameter of Holes Bolt Circle (BC) So Bore ID (SB) Dia. Hub Base (HB) Dia. Hub Top (HT) SO LTH (SL) WN LTH (WL) * WN Bore ID (WB)
12 4.75 0.88 1.38 4 0.88 3.25 0.88 1.50 0.84 1.25 2.38 *
34 5.12 1.00 1.69 4 0.88 3.50 1.09 1.75 1.05 1.38 2.75 *
1 5.88 1.12 2.00 4 1.00 4.00 1.36 2.06 1.32 1.62 2.88 *
114 6.25 1.12 2.50 4 1.00 4.38 1.70 2.50 1.66 1.62 2.88 *
112 7.00 1.25 2.88 4 1.12 4.88 1.95 2.75 1.90 1.75 3.25 *
2 8.50 1.50 3.63 8 1.00 6.50 2.44 4.12 2.38 2.25 4.00 *
212 9.62 1.62 4.13 8 1.12 7.50 2.94 4.88 2.88 2.50 4.12 *
3 10.50 1.88 5.00 8 1.25 8.00 5.25 3.50 4.62 *
4 12.25 2.12 6.19 8 1.38 9.50 6.38 4.50 4.88 *
5 14.75 2.88 7.31 8 1.63 11.50 7.75 5.56 6.12 *
6 15.50 3.25 8.50 12 1.50 12.50 9.00 6.63 6.75 *
8 19.00 3.62 10.63 12 1.75 15.50 11.50 8.63 8.38 *
10 23.00 4.25 12.75 12 2.00 19.00 14.50 10.75 10.00 *
12 26.50 4.88 15.00 16 2.12 22.50 17.75 12.75 11.12 *
14 29.50 5.25 16.25 16 2.38 25.00 19.50 14.00 11.75 *
16 32.50 5.75 18.50 16 2.63 27.75 21.75 16.00 12.25 *
18 36.00 6.38 21.00 16 2.88 30.50 23.50 18.00 12.88 *
20 38.75 7.00 23.00 16 3.12 32.75 25.25 20.00 14.00 *
24 46.00 8.00 27.25 16 3.63 39.00 30.00 24.00 16.00 *
ASME B16.5 Class 2500 Flange Dimenisons
ANSI B16.5 Class 2500 Flange Dimensions
Nominal Size Outside Diameter (OD) Min. Thickness (T) RF Dia. (R) No. of Bolt Holes Diameter of Holes Bolt Circle (BC) Dia. Hub Base (HB) Dia. Hub Top (HT) SO LTH (SL) WN LTH (WL) * WN Bore ID (WB)
12 5.25 1.19 1.38 4 0.88 3.50 1.69 0.84 1.56 2.88 *
34 5.50 1.25 1.69 4 0.88 3.75 2.00 1.05 1.69 3.12 *
1 6.25 1.38 2.00 4 1.00 4.25 2.25 1.32 1.88 3.50 *
114 7.25 1.50 2.50 4 1.12 5.13 2.88 1.66 2.06 3.75 *
112 8.00 1.75 2.88 4 1.25 5.75 3.12 1.90 2.38 4.38 *
2 9.25 2.00 3.63 8 1.12 6.75 3.75 2.38 2.75 5.00 *
212 10.50 2.25 4.13 8 1.25 7.75 4.50 2.88 3.12 5.62 *
3 12.00 2.62 5.00 8 1.38 9.00 5.25 3.50 6.62 *
4 14.00 3.00 6.19 8 1.63 10.75 6.50 4.50 7.50 *
5 16.50 3.62 7.31 8 1.88 12.75 8.00 5.56 9.00 *
6 19.00 4.25 8.50 8 2.12 14.50 9.25 6.63 10.75 *
8 21.75 5.00 10.63 12 2.12 17.25 12.00 8.63 12.50 *
10 26.50 6.50 12.75 12 2.63 21.25 14.75 10.75 16.50 *
12 30.00 7.25 15.00 12 2.88 24.38 17.38 12.75 18.25 *
Types of ASME / ANSI B16.5 Flange
ASME B16.5 Flange ASME B16.5 Class 150 Forged Flanges
ASME B16.5 Class 150 Flange ASME B16.5 Flange Dimensions
ASME B16.5 Class 300 Flanges Flanges as per ASME B16.5
Stainless Steel ASME B16.5 Flanges Flange ASME B16.5 Class 150
Carbon Steel ASME B16.5 Flanges ASME B16.5 Loose Flanges
ASME B16.5 Class 600 Flange ASME B16.5 Flange RF
ANSI B16.5 Class 2500 Flange ASME B16.5 Class 900 Flanges
Carbon Steel ASME B16.5 Flange High Quality ASME B16.5 Flanges
Flange ANSI ASME B16.5 Flange ASME B16.5 Class 400
ASME B16.5 Class 600 Blind Flange Duplex Steel ASME B16.5 Flange
Super Duplex Steel ASME B16.5 Flange Copper Nickel ASME B16.5 Pipe Flanges
High Nickel Alloy ASME B16.5 Flanges Hastelloy ASME B16.5 Flanges
ANSI B16.5 Class 2500 Flanges Inconel ASME B16.5 Flanges
ASME B16.5 Flange Pressure Ratings
FLANGE TABLE -10°C to 200°C





































































ASME B16.5 Flange Price List
ASME B16.5 Class 150 Flange Price: $100.45 / each ANSI B16.5 Class 1500 Flange Price: $122.14 / each ASME B16.5 Class 300 Flange Price: $120.14 / each ASME B16.5 Flange Price: $30.35 / each
ASME B16.5 Flanges Supplying to Following Regions & Countries:
AFRICA Nigeria Algeria Angola Tanzania Libya Egypt Sudan Equatorial Guinea The Republic Of Congo Gabon NORTH AMERICA Usa Canada Mexico Costa Rica Trinidad And Tobago Jamaica Denmark MIDDLE EAST ASIA Saudi Arabia Iran Iraq Uae Qatar Bahrain Oman Kuwait Turkey Jordan SOUTH AMERICA Argentina Bolivia Brazil Chile Venezuela Colombia Ecuador Guyana Paraguay Uruguay EUROPE Norway Germany France Italy Uk Spain Netherland Belgium Greece Czech Republic Portugal Hungary SOUTH AFRICA ASIA India Singapore Malaysia Indonesia Thailand Vietnam South Korea Japan Sri Lanka Maldives Bangladesh Mayanmar Taiwan Cambodia

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